Saturday, 30 April 2011

Vietnam the other half of my nationality

Tourism in Vietnam is a significant component of the modern Vietnamese economy. In 2004, Vietnam received 2.9 million international arrivals, up from 2.4 million the previous year.In 2010 Vietnam is on-track to receive 4.4 million international visitors. Much of this volume is now made up of nearby countries which don't have to pay costly visa fees. In 2008, Vietnam received 4.218 million international passengers, in 2009 the number was 3.8 million, down 11%. Vietnam Administration of Tourism forecasts that there will be 4.5-4.6 million international foreign tourists to Vietnam in 2010. It's also forecast by this agency that Vietnam will serve 28 domestic tourists in 2010, up 12% from that of 2009.

Tourism is increasingly important in Vietnam. For backpackers, culture and nature lovers, beach-lovers and veterans touring the country for a long time, Vietnam has emerged itself as a new tourist destination in South-East Asia and on is now on lists in magazines worldwide. Hotel investors especially the potential of the 3000-kilometer-long coast line and the big cities. The tourism offer has been increasingly diversified. Local and international tour operators offer tours to ethnic minority groups, walking and bicycle tours, kayak trips and multi-country trips in particular in connection with neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. In addition, thanks to the lift of several movement regulations, foreign tourists have been able to travel freely in the country since 1997.
The economy of Vietnam has transformed from an agrarian to a service economy. More than a third of gross domestic product is generated by services, which include the hotel and catering industry and transportation. The manufacturing and construction (28 percent), agriculture and fisheries (20 percent) and mining (10 percent) have much smaller shares.

National parks of Vietnam, World Heritage Sites, Man and the Biosphere Programme, National tourist area and the cities........... 



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